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ASME B16.30-1969 pdf - Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions未使用压力容器法兰尺寸 1.1 This standard provides dimensions for unfined pressure vessel flanges based on ...
ASME B94.26-1969 - INDEXABLE (THROW-AWAY) INSERT HOLDERS This standard outlines the dimensional specifications, styles, and designations of holders for indexable (throw-away) insert...
ASME PTC 32.1-1969 pdf - Nuclear Steam Supply Systems核蒸汽供应系统 This Code outlines the guidelines for the performance evaluation of nuclear steam supply systems. These un...

ASME B32.2-1969 pdf - Preferred Diameters for Round Wire (0.500 Inches and Under) The USA Standards Committee B32 was established on November 27, 1928, with the task of addressing t...
ASME PTC 4.2-1969 pdf - Coal Pulverizers煤粉磨机 The goal of this code is to establish procedures for performance testing to evaluate the following: capacity, product fineness, ...
ASME B94.23-1969 pdf - Punch Guide Bushings - Variable, Press Fit冲压导向衬套 - 可变型,压入式 This document details the American standard procedures for punch guide bu...
ASME PTC 4.3-1968 pdf - Air Heaters 空气加热器 This Code for air heater testing guides the preparation of tests, data collection, and the computation of test results. It define...
ASME B31.2-1968 pdf - Fuel Gas Piping燃气管路 This Fuel Gas Piping Code is a part of the USA Standard Code for Pressure Piping and is published separately for ease of use. Users...